A New World

There is no point postulating why we are here… we all know why…In the commercial and corporate world there needs to be changes in the basic way we judge performance… and this will mean we need to change the underlying motivations (this will require a huge paradigm shift… this kind of shift usually only comes about after a dramatic event) … and the laws and regulations that are built on them….however the whole structure we call civilisation is in grave danger of blowing in the wind… by just running around putting out fires… the usual response from Governments, the people who have little original thought…. these people are great at spin, and putting a positive face on something that has no positive aspect… the US and many others Economies are in a deep almost irrevocable situation – the only positive aspect there is that is will pave the way for a new world order…. this will happen by revolution unless somebody takes the leadership…  but I do not think any form of leaderships has the balls to do what is needed…. and so all this political spin and noise (which will not change anything) –  which is in essence is inactivity is going to be the death knell of the financial commercial world (which underlies our whole way of life) as we know it. There is huge anger brewing in the population, after denial in the grief process we then have anger…   it is a basic part of our make up… and it is something that cannot be diminished by spin…   I think the depth of this anger is being undervalued…

I published an article about a scenario of dramatic civil unrest in the world, particularly the USA (due to the easy availability of weapons) .. and right now I see only negatives.. no positives… for instance… no matter how much the USA needs a Universal Health system (and it does need one), now is not the time to bring one in… (due to the debt burden it will manifest) soon the national underlying debt of the US economy and many others including my own… will reach those of a banana republic…. and once that stage is reached ….its only a matter of when, not if there will be civil unrest… big time… the rule of law will be on the line … and we will have a revolution… maybe not a full drawn out Civil war type but it will be real (it will be the end of the status quo at the very least)… with one side (the government) using everything in their power to maintain a self destructive status quo, the rights and values that the founding fathers hold dear… those underlying the US constitution will be revoked… and the other side… normal people will be trying to get some say over their own lives…. and some quality of life for themselves and their families.

Also remember, now there is a large sector of the population have little, if not nothing to lose. So not to draw you a picture, but they have no reason to maintain the status quo.

The end result, especially if Government use the Army or National guards against their own citizens is a foregone conclusion.

Then we will have a great period of anarchy…. but after all this and the feeling our way in the dark a new basis for the world will put up its hand… it will be different… and we will need to try and come to terms with it… because in the end, it may not be based on individual or corporate greed, the problem now is the majority of people are in financial servitude to their Feudal Lord… their bank, their boss or their governments. This cannot go on.

We are on incredibly dangerous ground, so before 2013, we will see prominent signs… goodness you can see them now.

I am confident that the necessary changes to stop this or at least postpone it will NOT be made within the current financial and political system… I see little hope of anything that could make a difference being done – so we are all in for a new experience…. I am not diminishing the seriousness of such changes, especially on our own personal freedoms and safety…. but when the smoke clears… until the message and the morals are again corrupted.. There will a new moral paradigm.

I hope I am wrong about how it happens, perhaps I am… but it is inevitable, we are all in for a major Paradigm shift… some will handle it well, some won’t…  the only thing that is inevitable in our culture – is change – it is not a case of if it will happen… it is more a case of when.